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LX Partners (LX) is a principal investor whose mission is to deliver consistent, risk adjusted returns to Partners with main exposure in credit (performing and non-performing) and thematic real estate.

Partners invest arm’s lengths, share investment values, bring to each other sector and/or geographical expertise, combine resources and validate investments. Each investment theme is managed by a dedicated, full time, best in class team with fully aligned interests.


LX invest in:

– Distressed Debt & NPLs
– Alternative Lending
– Private Equity
– Thematic Real Estate
– Special Situations arising from a dislocation in the market.


Deep knowledge of the local market, track record of successfully originating and managing transactions, investment capacity, alignment of interests and a network of strategic partners locally and internationally.


LX Partners’s companies have over 180 full time staff around various European offices with a strong background and track record in corporate finance, performing andnon-performing loan management, private equity and real estate.

With a flat organisation and decision process, the LX team is able to operate with flexibility, speed and discretion when taking investment decisions.

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