Terms & Conditions

LX Partners appreciates and thanks you for visiting our website.

The User is responsible for carefully reading the Terms and Conditions of Using the LX Partners’s website [www.lxpartners.eu], to the extent that accessing or using it implies the acceptance of its content.

For any clarification concerning these Termes and Conditions of use, please contact us: lxp@lxpartners.eu.



Data Protection and Cookies

 LX Partners is committed to the protection of Personal Data collected via its website.

Our Privacy Policy is available here, forms part of these Terms and Conditions of Use and explains what personal data we collect, for what purposes we may use it, how we handle it, to whom may we disclose it and what are your rights.

Our Cookie Policy is available here, forms part of these Terms and Conditions of Use and provides you with information on the use of cookies.



Intellectual Property

LX Partners’s website is protected by copyright.

All content included on this website is the property of LX Partners, its suppliers or used by us with the consent of the respetive owner.

No general content of this website may be interpreted as the granting of a license, authorization or right for its use.

The incorrect or abusive use of the trademarks or any general content of this website are expressly prohibited, except as provided in these Terms and Conditions of Use.

    • It is permitted, as long as for personal use, the search and reproduction of excerpts through print or download, provided there is no change and that the source, copyright and property reference are included;
    • Total or partial reproduction of this website for commercial purposes is prohibited, as well as the alteration or incorporation in any other article, publication or website, regardless of format;
    • The copy and/or permanently storage or transmission of this website is expressly prohibited when executed without prior written consent of its owner.



Prohibited Activities

In addition to the foregoing, are prohibited any activities considered by LX Partners as inappropriate and/or possible of being illegal according to the legislation that is applicable to this website, including, but not limited to:

    • Any act that may constitute a privacy violation (including sending private information to this website without the consent of the affected person) or any other statutory rights of individuals;
    • Use this website to slander and/or revile LX Partners, its employees, or other individuals and/or legal persons, or act in a way that discredits LX Partners`s reputation;
    • Submit, to this website, files containing malware that may cause damage to the property of LX Partners or to the property of individuals.

Place or transmit to this website any unauthorized, including, but not limited to, contents that may cause, in LX Partners’s understanding, damages or losses, or that violate the security systems of LX Partners or a third-party, content that are defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic, and all those content that could be considered as illegal in general.



Website Content

The website is managed by LX Partners with the purpose of sharing information about its activity.

However, please be aware of the non-binding nature of the information and content included on LX Partner’s website.

The use given to this website and the general contents therein displayed are exclusive responsibility and risk of the User.

LX Partners reserves the right of, at any moment and without prior notice, to restrict, suspend or cancel access to the website or part of it, as well as to any functionality therein incorporated.



Warranties and Exclusion of Liability

LX Partners does not provide any type of warranty, explicit, implicit, legal or otherwise, including guarantees or commitments, that the content of this website is complete, accurate, correct, trustworthy, reliable, updated, even if all means at its disposal are used to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information disclosed. Neither does it provide any warranties that the website will operate uninterruptedly, without delays or free of errors, nor that it does not contain viruses and that it is safe.

For all the above, LX Partners does not assume, in any case, nor can it, its representative and/or employees, directly or indirectly, be held liable for any damages, and in whatever capacity, even if accidentally, for website failures or for the information not being complete nor accurate, as well as for any damages resulting from breach of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Use.

The User is warned that this website contains access links to websites alien to LX Partners, belonging to external entities.

The availability of these links is provided in good faith and, therefore, LX Partners does not undertake, nor accept, any liability, no matter what, for the contents, accuracy, trustworthiness, functionality and security of such websites or for the provision of services by external entities.




LX Partners or any third party involved in the process of creating, producing and developing this website, will not be liable, in any case, for direct and/or indirect, incidental, property and/or personal injuries, for emerging damage and/or lost profit, or any other damages and/or costs resulting from your access, use or inability to use, from altering the content of this website or any other website alien to LX Partners that you access via a link existent in this website, or damages caused by any measure that may be adopted or that ceases to be adopted as a result of a communication sent by the User.

LX Partners or any third party involved in the process of creating, producing and developing this website, are not responsible regarding the fullness, trustworthiness, accuracy, reliability and updating of the information and content in general presented on the website. All general content, accesses and functionalities are subject to changes and do not require prior notice.

LX Partners does not undertake any liability for losses and/or damages caused by possible viruses that may affect your computer or any other device, resultant from accessing, using or downloading the contents of this website. Content download from this website is carried out at the sole responsibility and risk of the User.

Therefore, and to the extent permitted by law, the User expressly declares to waive the submission of any claim against LX Partners, its managers, employees, suppliers and developers, regarding the use or access he/she related to this website.



Jurisdiction and Applicable Legislation

These Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Applicable Law and the parties irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that location to hear and decide any lawsuit, action or proceedings, and to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with the terms herein.



Additional Terms

If any portion of these Terms and Conditions of Use is invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then in that jurisdiction it shall be re-construed to the maximum effect permitted by law in order to effect its intent as nearly as possible, and the remainder of Terms and Conditions of Use shall remain in full force and effect, and in every other jurisdiction, all of these Terms and Conditions of Use shall remain in full force and effect.

LX Partners may revise these Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy, at any time in its sole discretion, and such changes will be effective immediately and dully disclosed to Users.